
Showing posts from March, 2018

Staying Healthy For Seniors

Advancements in health sciences have enabled us to live longer lives. The quality of life during our older years have also improved. We now see people do more in their 60s and 70s as compared to previous generations. New technologies in medicine have given us better medication. However, we cannot rely on new medicines alone. Because of these advancements, we know how we can live better during our older years as well. The following are some tips on staying healthy for seniors. Eating healthy and maintaining the proper weight   Eating nutritious foods at the right amount is the best way to go. Many illnesses like diabetes and hypertension can possibly be controlled by proper diet.  Watch out for sugary drinks and always keep yourself well hydrated. Water is not only essential for your health but helps you look younger as well.     The proper weight should be maintained. It gets more difficult to lose weight as you get older since metabolism slows down. Being overweight also increas

Preventing The Elderly From Falls And Slips

One of the most common causes of injuries for elderly people are falls and slips.  As you get older, it gets more difficult to recover from these injuries. Injuries can be fatal or not.  They can range from bone fractures, head injuries, to sprains and strains. It is important to understand why our senior loved ones are more prone to slips and falls.  This will help us reduce the risk by addressing their needs. Why are they more prone to slips and falls?   Of course each person is different.  There may be different reasons for each person, but in general, the following are the common causes of slips and falls.     As we get older, our senses will also decline.  When one’s vision is compromised, they will fail to see obstructions.  They will have difficulty navigating around an area. The same goes for a person’s balance.  Weaker muscles also contribute to them having difficulty to maintain balance. Some chronic conditions like diabetes, stroke, and arthritis also cause loss of cer

Organizing Your Medication

As we get older, many of us will depend more on different prescription medication.  We may have one to control our cholesterol and another for our blood pressure. We can have another for blood sugar control, and so on.  Each pill we take has a different dosage. From how many pills a day to the number of hours between each dose, it can get confusing.  If you are one of the people who take multiple medication everyday, here are some tips on how to organize it.   Use a pill box/organizer   Pill boxes are are very cheap and handy.  I recommend you choose one that has multiple compartments for both day and time.  This makes it very clear what dose is needed for specific times. Always be sure you fill them correctly and accurately.  It is easy to drop an extra pill in 1 compartment. You may also want to check if it is ok for different pills to be in the same compartment.  There may be some drugs that react to each other.   Write your schedule and put an alarm   Whenever you are org

Avoiding Sickness When Travelling

Getting sick when travelling is probably one of the worst experiences you can have.  Not only does it ruin your trip, you are unsure if you can get the same treatment as you do at home.  This is why it is important to have the right health coverage if you are expecting to travel a lot. To avoid getting sick when travelling, here are some tips and things to avoid. Avoid drinking tap water   You should always stay hydrated.  Drinking sufficient water is always key to being healthy.  For many places, drinking tap water is usually safe. However, when you are in a foreign place, you can never be too sure.  It is always best to avoid tap water as it can contain bacteria and viruses that can make you sick. I recommend drinking bottled water which you should open yourself to ensure it is new.  Remember, ice cubes can be made using tap water as well.   Avoid eating raw food   Cooking food subjects it to heat which kills most harmful bacteria.  Dirt may be washed away, but some bacteria