
Showing posts from September, 2018

Watch Out For Eye Care

We are very reliant on our eyesight. We use it in almost everything that we do. It is more common for someone to be visually inclined as compared to any of the other senses. Often, if we are experiencing vision problems, we do not notice it immediately. Our body tends to adjust quickly, and we work around what we may be experiencing. Though some of these symptoms may be very subtle, it is important always to have them checked. Here are some things to watch out. Headaches I did not notice I needed eyeglasses until I started having chronic headaches. Apparently, my eyes were always tired making up for my astigmatism. I did not notice my vision was blurred, but when I wore glasses for the first time, I felt the world turned HD. Difficulty In Focusing Or Blurred Vision If you are having trouble reading billboards, magazines, or recognizing people, your vision is blurred. If it seems like details are hard to figure out, then you can either be nearsighted, farsighted or suffer from astig

How To Age Gracefully

We all know that as we age, we need to do a little extra to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our body needs a little extra during our later years to keep up with a slowing metabolism, aging body, and increased risk of complications. Doing so will improve your overall health, gain better mobility, keep your mind sharp, and better resistance to sickness. It may seem difficult or even daunting to do. However small changes in your routine can do wonders. Here are some simple things you can do. Incorporate Physical Activity Walking is a great exercise. It is a practical, low-impact option for daily activity. If you are one of those dreading exercise or any physical activity, change your outlook. Instead of going out for a walk to exercise, use the time to reflect. Have a scenic route where you can enjoy the view. Explore a trail and bond with nature. There are many ways to make your walk more enjoyable. Bring your pet along and walk your dog. You can do small alterations to your daily activ

Avoiding Illness When Vacationing

You finally made it into retirement. All the free time to do whatever you want. If you are the traveling type, then now is the time to do it. Circle the world, enjoy the sights, and soak up foreign cultures. Nothing can stop you from enjoying your travels. However, you should make sure to avoid any illness while traveling. It can derail all the plans you have which are why you should always take steps to minimize the risk. Pack The Essentials The most common illness when traveling is diarrhea. Eating and drinking the local cuisine is part of your traveling experience. However, your body may not be used to the local ingredients and water in the area. It is probably the biggest reason why diarrhea is at the top of the list. Make sure you always have the right medicines packed with you. Also, include rehydration tablets to help replace the lost fluids. Other essentials for a first aid kit you should have a cough and cold medicines, ibuprofen, and paracetamol. Also, include bandages and

All You Need To Know About Medication And Aging

Medication is part of our life. Today, hardly anyone has not had medicine in some shape or form. From vaccines and vitamins when we are young, all the way to maintenance drugs as we get older. Medication has allowed us to live longer, healthier, and better lives. It is a trend that as we get old, we usually take more medication. It is because we tend to have more medical complications. Recent surveys have seen that 90% people with the age of 65 or older take at least 1 form of medication weekly. A little less than half of the seniors take at least five different drugs. It is almost a sure fact that as you get old, you will be taking more medication. Knowing the reasons and how it affects you can better prepare you later in life. Common Reasons For Taking Medication As You Age Some of the most common medical complications for taking drugs are the following. Diabetes – some common medication used for this condition is to control the blood sugar levels in your body. High-Blood Pres