
Showing posts from December, 2018

5 Reasons Generic Drugs Are Cheaper

Have you ever wondered why generic drugs are cheaper than their branded counterparts? Well, wonder no more because I will give you the top 5 reasons generics are cheaper than branded drugs. They Don’t Have to Recoup the Cost of the Patent When a drug company markets a drug, it is usually the end product of years if not decades of research and development as well as stiff regulatory proceedings. This means that the company invested vast sums of money before it could even get the drug to market. To make matters worse, not all R&D projects bear fruit many other projects were abandoned as failures. Hence the drug company will want to recover its investment in the drugs that they succeed in eventually selling. Generics Don’t Pay Licenses Fees. When a Drug company succeeds in developing and marketing a drug it owns the patent for the Drug. Normally, if another company wants to make a similar drug then it will have to pay a license fee to the original developer. This fee can be quit

When To See Your Doctor (And When Not to)

Let’s face it, nobody wants to go to the doctor. I wouldn’t be surprised if doctors don’t like going to the doctor. Personally, I only go to the doctor because I need to get prescription meds refilled. Let me tell you about situations when you should go to the doctor and when you should not. See your Doctor When Symptoms Persist How often have we heard this term? It almost sounds boring to keep listening “if symptoms persist consult your doctor.” Yet this is worth remembering because most common illnesses go away after a week or two on their own. That cough that has been going on for two weeks? Might be Pneumonia or Tuberculosis. Best to have an expert confirm that you just need more rest and maybe stronger medicine than wind up in grave danger. Don’t’ See Him If You Just Came From Web MD Sadly, the internet does have its downsides. Web MD is the bane of the layman looking to find what is wrong with him. When you just spent a whole lot of time searching Web MD you are probably pan

Why It Is Not Okay to Pay The Penalty for Not Having Health Insurance

The Affordable Health Care Act requires a penalty to be paid for those who do not have health insurance. Some people view this as a tax and most who have to pay it do not like it. Some who pay the penalty do so as a form of protest. Let me tell you why it is not cool to pay the penalty. You Are Paying To Get Nothing The ACA penalty has no benefits to the person paying. The penalty is a disincentive for those who choose not to get insurance. In effect, the person who insists on paying it will receive nothing in return for his payment. Honestly, it just doesn’t make sense to pay and get nothing. You are Doing a Patriotic Duty The ACA creates a system whereby the people who cannot afford insurance are subsidized by those who can afford to pay. Think of it as a system where there are ten people eating dinner, and two are unable to pay for their meal. The other eight will pay so that the two can eat. While this may seem unfair consider that someday you might fall on hard times and you