Florida Medicare Advantage Plans – What You Need To Know
Adding a Medicare Advantage Florida plan to your insurance coverage ensures you the same coverage as you have with your Medicare Parts A and B, but often an advantage plan will come with additional coverage. This may be vision, prescription drug coverage, and dental care.
What are the benefits of Florida Medicare Advantage?
In addition to covering all of the medical needs of your Medicare Parts A and B plans, such as inpatient hospital visits, stays at a Skilled Nursing Facility, Hospice needs, any outpatient care, medical equipment and certain preventative care needs, the addition of a Medicare Advantage plan can help you afford medical necessities not covered by the traditional plans. This may include dental coverage, eye care, and prescription medication. Without an Advantage plan, many seniors find these medical necessities that are not under the umbrella of Medicare to be too costly and struggle to pay for them.
Who is eligible for Medicare Advantage in Florida?
Anyone who has qualified for and enrolled in Medicare Pars A and B is eligible to enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan. To be eligible, you must either be age 65 or older or under 65 with qualifying disabilities. While those who are under the age of 65 with qualifying disabilities are eligible for Medicare parts A and B and Advantage plans, those with End-Stage Renal Disease are unlikely to be able to gain enrollment.
How do I enroll in Florida Medicare Advantage plans?
Upon reaching age 65, you have the ability to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan during a period known as the Initial Enrollment Period. This term refers to the three months before you turn 65, the month of your birthday, and the three months following. This gives you seven months to ensure that you are enrolled in Medicare, and if desired a Medicare Advantage Florida plan. Besides this period, every year there is an open enrollment period from October 15th until December 7th, in which qualifiers can sign up for, or switch plans.
Why use your company for my Medicare Advantage in Florida needs?
Unlike other businesses that represent only one major insurance company, our business in independently owned and operated. This difference makes it possible for us to compare the quotes of several of the top rated Florida Medicare Advantage plans available. Comparing rates and services offered by several companies is a feature that can end up saving you significant amounts of money, as prices and services tend to vary widely.
Get A FREE Florida Medicare Advantage Quote Today!
Florida Medicare Advantage Plans – What You Need To Know syndicated from http://www.davesilverinsurance.com/

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