Why Working With A Medicare Insurance Broker in Florida Is Your Best Option

Working with a broker will afford you the opportunity to make better decisions on your Medicare coverage. This is probably the most important thing to know about choosing the correct coverage for yourself. Most people work with an agent who is either employed by one company or an agent who only represents one or two companies. If this is who you have worked with either now or in the past, you are making a critical error.

Whether you are shopping for a Medicare supplement coverage, Part D prescription drug coverage or a Medicare Advantage Plan, you need to know what all your options are from each company that offers this coverage in your area.

In Florida where I am located there are approximately 15 to 20 companies that offers Medicare Supplement coverage, Plan A through N. In Florida, Medicare Supplement are standardized coverage, meaning based on plan letter, the coverage is the same from company to company. The only difference is the monthly premium. Unless you know what each company charges, how do you know if you are over paying? You need to work with a Medicare Insurance Broker, like the folks at Dave Silver Insurance, who will present you all the plans sorted by price.

The same holds true for drug coverage. In Florida there are 27 Part D prescription drug plans to choose from. You need to work with someone who will present all 27 and show what your costs would be under each one, based on your prescription and Pharmacy choice.

If you are looking for a Medicare Advantage Plan the same information holds true. In some counties in Florida, there are over 40 plans to choose from. You need to make sure your providers accept this coverage, in -network, as well as making sure your prescriptions are covered as affordably as possible. Once again, this information should be presented to you in an objective and transparent manner.

It is imperative that you work with someone who present all your options in an objective and transparent manner. This is the only way to ensure you are getting the best coverage, based on your needs.

There are not many Brokers out there who provide this service as described above. But the folks at Dave Silver Insurance do. Give us a call. You’ll be happy you did. We service the entire State of Florida.


Why Working With A Medicare Insurance Broker in Florida Is Your Best Option syndicated from http://www.davesilverinsurance.com/


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